Glemseck 2017
“The smell of petrol in the morning, the rumble of the engines is the alarm clock – the dream of every petrolhead.”

Glemseck 101 is the largest open air event for motorcycles in Germany, also one of the largest in Europe. For three days and nights a crowd of about 20 000 people gathered on the 1 km street, to enjoy the madness of custom motorcycles. It was the first year for the Renard Crew and even tho we had watched all the videos and pictures, we didn’t expect it to be this awesome. Almost too many cool bikes to count – Almost.

It didn’t take us long to blend in and meet the locals as we were set next to guys like The Wrenchmonkees and Essenza. We received kind words beyond our expectations and the people seemed to love the bikes.
It’s very hard to describe the feeling of being in the middle of it all- the loud exhausts, amazing and talented people, everyone standing out for the same ideas and representing the lifestyle – Like I was told by a photographer “I feel like a kid in a very loud and kind of bonkers candy shop.”

And how could anyone forget the legendary 1/8 mile race.We saw the best of the best out there. Even tho the distance is not that long they managed to hit amazing speeds and to watch them go head to head gives you goosebumps all over. The whole thing was nuts but yet so amazing – Like to watch a guy doing a wheely for 200 meters hitting speeds over 180 km/h just has to make you smile.

It really was amazing and we can’t wait for next year. Better still- next year we plan to take as many of our friends with us as possible to offer them this experience.
It is one of those weekends you will remember your whole life!